English Translation of Al-Quran
[06] Surah Al-An'am [The Cattle]
Ayat 15. Say (O Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) : "I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the torment of a Mighty Day."
Ayat 16. Who is averted from (such a torment) on that Day, (Allah) has surely been Merciful to him. And that would be the obvious success.
Tafseer of Surah Al An'am (The Cattle) Ayat 15 & 16. Say (O Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) : "I would, if I disobeyed my Lord, indeed have fear of the penalty of a Mighty Day.16. "On that day, if the penalty is averted from any, it is due to Allah’s mercy; And that would be (Salvation), the obvious fulfilment of all desire. We continue the implied dialogue suggested in n. 846. In verse 14, the objector might say: "But we have other interests in life than religion and Allah." "No," says the man of God. "My Creator is the one and only Power whose protection I seek; and I strive to be first in the race.." In verse 15, the objector suggests: "Enjoy the good things of this life; it is short." The answer is: "The Hereafter is more real to me, and promises the true fulfilment of all desire; happiness or affliction comes not from the fleeting pettiness’s or illusions of this life, but from the power and wisdom of Allah." In verse 19, the objector makes his final splash: "What evidence is there for all this?" The reply is: "I know it is true for Allah's voice is within me, and my living Teacher awakens that voice; and there is the Book of Inspiration. Allah is one, and there is none other besides."
English Translation of Hadith
Hazrat Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "When an infidel accomplishes any good deed, he is rewarded for it in this world; and in the case of a Muslim, Allah stores up his good acts for him in the Hereafter and provides him with subsistence in this life due to his obedience.''
[Muslim Book 39, Chapter 11, Hadith # 6739]
Another narration is: Messenger of Allah
[SAWW] (PBUH) said, "Allah does not wrong a believer a good deed because he is given blessings for it in this world and will be rewarded for it in the Hereafter. But the infidel is given in the world the reward for good deeds, he has performed for the sake of Allah and when he comes to the Hereafter, there is no good deed for which he can be rewarded".. [Muslim Book 39, Chapter 11, Hadith # 6740]
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-An'am Ayat 16. “Who is averted from (such a torment) on that Day, (Allah) has surely been Merciful to him. And that would be the obvious success” The infidels also do in this world many works which are for public welfare, or which come under the category of good deeds. Almighty Allah gives them reward for such good deeds in this world in the form of wealth, sound health, or saving them from some trouble, because Belief is precondition for reward in the Hereafter. Since an infidel is deprived of it, he will also be deprived of their reward in the Hereafter. Thus, we learn that Belief constitutes the basis of every action and is a precondition for the acceptance of any good deed by Allah.
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