
10 September 2014

Having Patience simultaneously with awaiting Allah’s reward

Having Patience simultaneously with awaiting Allah’s reward

Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen said,
"If the person’s attitude towards ordeals follows a course of patience without awaiting Allah’s reward, a considerable amount of his sins shall be forgiven. But, if he maintains patience simultaneously with awaiting Allah’s reward, he shall reap a reward besides the forgiveness of sins. Awaiting Allah’s reward means: to believe that the patience one endures during the ordeal shall be compensated with a reward from Allah. This implicitly reflects one’s trust in Allah; Who, in return, will grant him what he besought from Him.
Commentary on Sahih Muslim: 342.

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Imam ibn Al-Jawzee was once asked: "Is it better for me to make Tasbeeh (praise Allaah) or to make Istighfaar (seek forgiveness)? 
He replied: "The dirty robe is more in need of soap than perfume." Ibn Hajar (1/103)

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