[05] Surah Al-Ma'idah [The Table Spread With Food]
Ayat 4. They ask you (O Muhammad
[SAWW](PBUH) what is lawful for them (as food ). Say: "Lawful unto you are At-Tayyibat [all kind of Halal (lawful good) foods which Allah has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables and fruits, etc.)]. And those beasts and birds of prey which you have trained as hounds, training and teaching them (to catch) in the manner as directed to you by Allah; so eat of what they catch for you, but pronounce the Name of Allah over it, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Swift in reckoning."
Tafseer of Surah Al Ma'idah Ayat 4. They ask thee what is lawful to them (as food). Say: lawful unto you are (all) things good and pure: and what ye have taught your trained hunting animals (to catch) in the manner directed to you by Allah. Eat what they catch for you, but pronounce the name of Allah over it: and fear Allah. for Allah is swift in taking account. The previous verse was negative: it denned what was not lawful for food, viz., things gross, or disgusting, or dedicated to superstition. This verse is positive: it defines what lawful, viz., all things are good and pure. In the matter of the killing for meat, the general rule is that the name of Allah, the true God should be pronounced as a rite in order to call our attention to the fact that we do not take life thoughtlessly but solemnly for food, with the permission of Allah, to whom we render the life back. The question of hunting is then raised. How can this solemn rite be performed when we send forth trained hawks, trained hounds, or trained cheetahs or other animals trained for the chase? They must necessarily kill at some distance from their masters. Their game is legalised on these conditions: (1) that they are trained to kill, not merely for their own appetite, or out of mere wantonness, but for their master's food; the training implies that something of the solemnity which Allah has taught us in this matter goes into their action; and (2) we are to pronounce the name of Allah over the quarry; this is interpreted to mean that the Takbir should be pronounced when the hawk or dog, etc., is released to the quarry.
English Translation of Hadith
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "O people! Allah is Pure and, therefore, accepts only that which is pure. Allah has commanded the believers as He has commanded His Messengers by saying: `O Messengers! Eat of the good things, and do good deeds.' (23:51) And He said: `O you who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism)! Eat of the lawful things that We have provided you...''' (2:172). Then he
[SAWW](PBUH) made a mention of the person who travels for a long period of time, his hair are disheveled and covered with dust. He lifts his hand towards the sky and thus makes the supplication: `My Rubb! My Rubb!' But his food is unlawful, his drink is unlawful, his clothes are unlawful and his nourishment is unlawful, how can, then his supplication be accepted?''
[Muslim Hadith # 2214].
Lesson: as mentioned above in Surah Al-Ma'idah Ayat 04. what is lawful for them (as food ). Say: "Lawful unto you are At-Tayyibat [all kind of Halal (lawful good) foods which Allah has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables and fruits, etc.)]. “ This Hadith shows the value of the honest earning, for the grant of prayer, honest earning is essential. Allah accepts charity only if it has been earned in an honest way. Moreover, before any pious action, honest earning for living is essential; otherwise good actions will also go waste.
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