English Translation of Al-Quran
[05] Surah Al-Ma'idah [The Table Spread With Food]
Ayat 58. And when you proclaim the call for As-Salat [call for the prayer (Adhan)], they take it (but) as a mockery and fun; that is because they are a people who understand not.
Tafseer of Surah Al Ma'idah Ayat 58. When ye proclaim your call to prayer they take it (but) as mockery and sport; that is because they are a people without understanding. To call Adhan for five daily fard prayers is definite based on the Quran (al-Maida, 58; al-Jumu'a, 9) and the Sunnah. The decree about it is Sunnah al-muakkadah and kifayah. That is, if a person living in a place fulfils this duty, the other people living there will be relieved of the responsibility. However, if calling Adhan is abandoned completely, all of the people living there will be held responsible. Adhan is one of the greatest signs of Islam; so, it is a Sunnah at the level of Wajib. Adhan was rendered legitimate in the 1st year the Migration in Madinah.The Importance and Virtues of Adhan: Muslims are informed about the times for prayers through Adhan; they are also reminded that prayer leads man to salvation; thus, they are encouraged to perform prayers. More importantly, the holiest principles of the religion of Islam like oneness and prophet hood are declared to the whole world through Adhan. Therefore, to call Adhan gives man a lot of virtues and thawabs. Some of the hadiths regarding the issue are as follows:
"If people knew about the virtue of Adhan and performing prayers in the first line in the mosque, they would draw lots for them." "On the Day of Judgment, muezzins are the tallest people (in terms of thawabs)." "Everybody, whether a human or a jinn, hearing the voice of Adhan will witness in favour of that muezzin on the Day of Judgment."
Hz. Umar stated the following expressing the virtue of calling Adhan: "If I did not have the duty of the caliphate, I would like to be a muezzin." (*) Adhan and iqama are among the properties of this Ummah. It is narrated that Hz. Jibril called Adhan when Hz.. Adam was sent down to the earth and in order to soothe him when he witnessed the savagery on the earth; however, it does not change the fact that Adhan is a property peculiar to this Ummah.
English Translation of Hadith
Hazrat Abu Said Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "When you hear the Mu'adhdhin (pronouncing the call to Salat), repeat after him what he says.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah Al-Ma'idah Ayat 58. And when you proclaim the call for As-Salat [call for the prayer (Adhan)], they take it (but) as a mockery and fun; that is because they are a people who understand not. This Hadith for true believer it’s necessary to listen to Adhan and also to repeat the words of Adhan when we hear it. But when he says "Hayya `alas-Salah'' or "Hayya `alal-Falah'' we must say "La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.'' Where as they disbeliever make mockery of Allah's call, today also lot of Muslim just hear the call of Allah not turned for Salat.
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